The Atlanta Recorder Society’s mission is to promote recorder playing in the metro Atlanta area through information about upcoming events, opportunities for group playing, connecting recorder players in the area, concerts, workshops, and other opportunities.
We normally meet monthly, usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month (but check our calendar for possible date changes) for a 2 hour playing session. Playing sessions are held at Morningside Presbyterian Church, Room 107, located at 1411 North Morningside Dr, Atlanta, GA 30306, from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m ET. We generally ask that you print your own music, and please bring your own instrument(s) and music stand. Contact us about borrowing instruments or music. Playing sessions are also streamed via Zoom to members.
Scheduled events for the 2025 season are:
- January 24-26: Midwinter Workshop (see tab above)
- February 16: In person at Morningside, prepare for Consort Day
- March 16: Consort Day (see tab above)
- April 20: Zoom meeting, leader TBD
- May 18: In person at Morningside
- June & July: off. Check out Mountain Collegium!
- August 17: Zoom meeting, Sarah Jeffery leading
- September 21: In person at Morningside
- October 26 (4th Sunday!): Zoom meeting, Annette Bauer leading
- November 16: Zoom meeting, Glen Shannon leading
- December 21: In person at Morningside, Jody Miller leading
In celebration of March being “Play the Recorder Month” instead of a playing session we host our annual Consort Day. Consort Day is an opportunity for individuals and small groups of musicians to gather together to play and hear each other’s accomplishments. Check out the tab above.

We encourage you to contact us if you would like more information or are interested in joining the ARS.
You may reach us at:
(this goes to both Mickey Gillmor, the membership coordinator, and David Wheeler, the president)
Mail: Atlanta Recorder Society, 947 Blue Ridge Avenue, Atlanta, GA US, 30306
You can also find us on Facebook.