We invite anyone interested in the recorder to join us!
Benefits of Joining
- Opportunities to meet and play with other recorder players.
- Advance notice of playing sessions, workshops, concerts.
- Discounted tuition at the Midwinter Workshop.
- The knowledge that you are supporting recorder playing in the Atlanta area.
How Can You Join?
To join the Atlanta Recorder Society, send your name, address, and email address along with your dues to:
Atlanta Recorder Society, 947 Blue Ridge Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30306
You can also provide your information using the form below and either pay by PayPal or then just send us a check at the above address. Or come to one of our playing sessions and hand the check and information to us in person.
The membership year is January 1 – December 31.
Regular member dues: $35/year; after August 1st $20 Year End Special!
Supporting member: $70/year